Admin Commands

pyAS2 provides a set of Django admin commands that perform various functions. We have already seen the usage of some of these commands in the previous sections. Let us now go through the list of available commands:


The runas2server command starts the AS2 server which includes both the web UI and the AS2 receiver. The command does not take any arguments. The command should be started in the background and also a schedule should be added to run the command on system startup.


The runas2daemon command starts the directory monitoring process. The process monitors all the partner inbox folders and triggers a file transfer when file becomes available. The command should be started in the background and also a schedule should be added to run the command on system startup. The process needs to be restarted when a new partner is created so that its inbox can be added to the monitored directory list.


The sendas2message command triggers a file transfer, it takes the mandatory arguments organization id, partner id and the full path to the file to be transferred. The command can be used by other applications to integrate with pyAS2.


The sendasyncmdn command performs two functions; it sends asynchronous MDNs for messages received from your partners and also checks if we have received asynchronous MDNs for sent messages so that the message status can be updated appropriately. The command does not take any arguments and should be run on a repeating schedule.


The retryfailedas2comms command checks for any messages that have been set for retries and then retriggers the transfer for these messages. The command does not take any arguments and should be run on a repeating schedule.


The cleanas2server command is a maintenance command and it deletes all DB objects, logs and files older that the MAXARCHDAYS setting. It is recommended to run this command once a day using cron or windows scheduler.