
pyAS2 maintains a log of all inbound and outbound messages exchanged with your trading partners. The logs can be accessed from the web UI Messages menu. The menu has options to list messages, search messages and MDNs. pyAS2 saves message details such as status, message ID, sender, receiver, payload; and MDN details such as message ID, original message ID and mode.

List Messages

The list of all sent and received messages can be viewed from the web UI at Messages->All Messages. The screen lists all messages ordered by timestamp so that the latest message is first on the list. We can further list only inbound messages at Messages->Inbound Messages and outbound messages at Messages->Outbound Messages.

Search Messages

pyAS2 lets you search for messages based on a number of criteria. The search screen can be accessed at Messages->Search Messages. The following filter criteria are available:

Field Name Description
Datefrom Messages processed after this date will be included in the search results.
Dateuntil Messages processed before this date will be included in the search results.
Organization Messages that belong to this organization will be included.
Partner Messages that belong to this partner will be included.
Direction Filter by the direction of the AS2 message, can be inbound or outbound.
Status Filter by the status of the AS2 message.
Message ID Filter by the AS2 message ID of the message.
Payload Name Filter by the file name of the sent/received message.

Search MDNs

pyAS2 also lets you search for MDNs for messages based on a number of criteria. The search screen can be accessed at Messages->Search MDNs. The following filter criteria are available:

Field Name Description
Datefrom MDNs processed after this date will be included in the search results.
Dateuntil MDNs processed before this date will be included in the search results.
Organization MDNs that belong to this organization will be included.
Partner MDNs that belong to this partner will be included.
MDN mode Filter by the MDN mode, can be synchronous or asynchronous.
Status Filter by the status of the MDN.
MDN Message ID Filter by the message ID of the MDN.
Original Message ID Filter by the message ID of the original message for which it is an MDN.